November 8, 2016

Psalms 15:5 (NKJV)

‘…He who does these things shall never be moved.’

Fulfilling the eleven requirements are not just about entering into the Lord’s holy hill, it’s about being stable and balanced in life. Those who dwell in the Lord’s presence are the same ones who are strong and stable in this life. Strength is needed to survive the storms of life and dwelling in the Lord’s mount only prepares you and enables you to make it through life.

Why would I then let myself give in to these vices and distractions, which in turn will eventually make me unstable in life? It’s actually for my own good to abstain from the eleven vices mentioned here. Otherwise, I will simply be another unstable life, gliding through life and going nowhere.

Do you want stability? Do you want to be a person that ‘shall never be moved’? The solution is simple. Live on the Lord’s holy hill and fulfill the requirements thereof.

‘Lord keep me stable so that I can also help others find their stability in you. Help me to see that obeying you is not just about pleasing you but it’s also about my own survival; in fact obeying you adds nothing to you but everything to me. Help me always remember this so that dwelling on your holy hill becomes a survival mechanism for me. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.’


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