Psalms 16:7 (NKJV)
‘I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.’
One of the reasons for my security in life is that I don’t walk alone. I have a Counselor, who walks with me, talks to me, instructs me. The Lord Holy Spirit gives me counsel and His counsel is always right and wise and deep. My uttermost good lies in listening to His wise counsel. And when because of stubbornness or busyness or whatever else reason; I fail to heed or understand His counsel, He waits to the times of quietness, preferably in the night times, and speaks to me again through my heart. For the consecrated, you belong entirely to the Lord. So even when you think it’s your heart instructing you, it’s really the Lord instructing you through your heart.
Listen and be blessed. Listen to the counsel of the Lord and live. And seek understanding when your dreams and visions in the night season begin to align with what the Counselor has been speaking to you in the daytime. In His mercy, He will not fail to communicate the heart and mind of God to His beloved, both in the daytime and in the nighttime.
‘Lord, whisper your truth and lead me in the way of truth. But when I am hard of hearing. Please scream your truth and force your guidance into my subconscious heart, even in the night season. Whatever you must do, please do to ensure I do not fall from the path of righteousness and the ordained path of God for my life. Thank you, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.’