November 20, 2016

Psalm 18:3 (NKJV)

‘I will call upon the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies’

This is a definite statement of fact. No matter what life throws at me, ‘I shall be saved’. The enemies of my life may scheme and plan but I shall definitely be saved. The reason why the Lord is worthy to be praised by me is because He has indeed granted me such precious promises that cannot be broken. God cannot lie. He has said I will be saved and I will be saved. Nothing can change that fact, which in itself becomes the anchor of my life and my interaction with men.

But what does it mean to be saved from the enemies? Does that mean that my enemies will always be defeated? Yes. But defeat may not seem obvious in the immediate. Because God says that I will be saved from my enemies, it means that even an apparent victory for my enemy is still a victory for me. Jesus looked totally defeated on the day He hung on that gruesome cross, but little did man and Satan know that even that apparent seeming defeat was actually a victory. Don’t live in fear of defeat, therefore. You are victorious irrespective of the immediate outcome and circumstances. For this I shout to the Lord, ‘You are worthy of praise!’, for certainly and definitely, I shall be saved from my enemies.

‘Lord, I shall not fear what man or Satan can do to me. No matter how they play their game, I am always victorious because of your promises. I celebrate you O Lord for your precious promises. Teach me to live by faith in your promises; help me to remember that I cannot be a loser so long as I belong to you. Impress this fact on my heart so I never see an apparent defeat as the final defeat. I shall always be saved from my enemies according to your Word, and because you don’t lie O Lord, this confidence shall never leave me. Amen.’


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