October 26, 2017

Genesis 42:2 (NKJV) 

“And he said, ‘Indeed I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down to that place and buy for us there, that we may live and not die.’”

Don’t expect to receive what you need for free.  There’s always a price to pay to receive what you need. Although Jesus has paid the supreme price for us to receive all things, yet there is a price to pay to unlock what Jesus has freely granted unto us. The depth and breadth of divine revelations and blessings will not come to someone unwilling to pay the price for it. It’s there for you, but you need to practice certain disciplines to unleash the resources stored for you.

There were grains in Egypt, but they had to offer something to get it. They couldn’t just go and expect Egypt to release resources for them. Their hunger for grains was not enough to warrant the free release of food.

Your desire for God is a good beginning, but it must translate into further action to receive God. It must lead to certain personal denials, some particular exertions of faith, quite a few personal restrictions, and some specific commitments. Hunger for God will create sufficient motivation to act in certain ways that bring us into the presence of the God. Beyond desire, an action is needed to get your heart’s desire.

“I know that I must add specific sacrificial measures to my desire before I can get the expected desires of my heart, and I am committed to doing this, O my Lord. Amen.”


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