Genesis 42:6 (NKJV)
“Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land…”
We have heard so much spoken and taught about delegation, but some things cannot be delegated. Critical supervisory roles and key implementation roles for example, – must either be under the direct mandate of the leader or be close enough for direct inspection.
At this critical time of global famine and Egypt being the only one with food for the world, the dispensing of food was too great a task for Joseph to delegate. He personally “sold to all the people of the land.” This role was too vital to hand over to someone else because the implications of a mismanagement would lead to a world disaster and the apparent collapse of the Egyptian empire.
As a leader, don’t delegate everything. Carefully choose what to entrust to others and choose what to oversee and manage personally.
“Lord, this is a sensitive and delicate balance to make. I would rather just delegate to trusted people, but I pray You teach how to delegate but also how to supervise carefully. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”