Genesis 44:9 (NKJV)
“With whomever of your servants it is found, let him die, and we also will be my lord’s slaves.”
The brothers were so confident in each other that they were willing to pronounce a verdict of death on whomsoever was caught amongst them to have stolen Joseph’s silver cup. In their wildest dreams, they knew that none of them would dare do such a thing. They were very confident, and the pronouncement of doom on any sibling found guilty was not a real threat because they knew it couldn’t happen.
Do we have such confidence in one another; in our brethren, our siblings? Can I speak so confidently about my teammates? Do I know them well enough to make such pronouncements?
Know whom you are with and who is working with you? Trust is developed through knowledge and experience together. We must know who we can trust and can’t trust, and for those who have proved themselves trustworthy, trust must be given to them completely.
“Father, may I never lend my heart to people I cannot vouch for. Surround me with trusted people Lord, and when there are unreliable people with me, show me who they are lest I place my hopes and trust in those who will disappoint and betray me in public. Amen.”