Matthew 26:56
“But all this was done that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.”
When you walk the path of your destiny, your closest friends may not understand you and they just may leave you. It is not abnormal to find yourself alone when seeking to obey your convictions. God never promised us that our friends would believe in our calling or our convictions. We must simply follow our God as He leads, and if no one else comes along, we are in the best company alone with God.
Moreover, we need to draw comfort from the example of Jesus. Despite all the great miracles He performed and all the mind blowing spiritual insights He taught, when the chips were down, He was left all alone. For this reason, don’t beat yourself down when people refuse to walk with you in your chosen path. You were born alone. Your destiny is unique. You will die alone. You will give an account on the Last Day alone. Move forward with God into the convictions you have from God. Amen.
“Lord Jesus, I choose to walk in Your footsteps. I choose to obey heaven, and even if no one follows me, I still choose this narrow path of obedience because this was the path You also walked. Amen.”