February 7, 2019

Matthew 27:46

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ ”

Different scholars have sought to give theological meaning and scholarly insights into the purpose and reasons for this cry of Jesus on the cross. I am not a theological scholar, but one unquestionable fact was that Jesus cried out because He felt abandoned and forsaken. Although He knew that His Father loved Him and He knew He was living out an approved script from the Father; yet He couldn’t help but cry out in pain and agony. And this is an encouragement to me.

If Jesus could cry out in agony because He felt abandoned and forsaken, then I am also permitted to cry out. My cry is not to accuse God of any wrongdoing, but it is a cry of loneliness and a cry of legitimate pain. Since Jesus cried out, I can cry out, and I know that God will not smite me for crying out. Since Jesus cried out only after enduring several hours on the cross, I must not be quick to cry out without first passing through the valley of endurance. Crying out at the slightest discomfort is not a walk of faith. Cry out after a season of waiting, trusting and hoping. I am so encouraged and feel so free to cry out to my Father because Jesus also cried out to His Father.

“Father, I don’t know all the reasons why Jesus cried out, but I am emboldened to cry out to You without feeling bad about it. I know You love me and even when I don’t understand, I know You are working out something beautiful through my trials. Thank You for permitting me to cry out. In Jesus’ name, I pray.”


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