February 20, 2019

Matthew 28:7-8

“ ‘And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him…’ So they went out quickly…”

The Church needs a fresh message of hope and faith. Believers need to be told and taught that they can still see Jesus. Because we have lost our vision of seeing Jesus, we have settled for seeing men; therefore, the words and systems of men have replaced genuine expectations and experiences of seeing Jesus. Please note that Jesus will not appear to you where you are. Jesus will not come to you in the dark tunnel of doubt, self-seeking and human worship. Jesus wants to show Himself afresh to us, but He will need first to take us back to the place where we first met Him; to the place where faith was born; where we once believed like little children.

Jesus had risen, and he was committed to showing Himself to His disciples, but not in Jerusalem. Jesus would not manifest Himself in a city where religiosity and the fear of men and ruled. Jesus chose to show Himself to them in Galilee. He needed to take them back to the place where He had first initiated their faith, and where they first believed and trusted completely. In Galilee, only the face and the words of Jesus meant anything to the disciples. The Church needs to go back to Galilee. We must depart from the complexities of Jerusalem, where much compromise and the religious systems of worship are killing our childlike faith. We need to return to Galilee where Jesus waits to show us Himself afresh. Step away from these great men of God who hide the face of Jesus. Leave them in Jerusalem. Go back to the simplicity of the early days, and there you will find waiting for you again, the Jesus you once knew.

“Oh, take me back to Galilee, Lord. Take me back to the days of simple faith and childlike adoration. Take me back Lord, away from my complicated world of spirituality and ministry. All I need is Your face, and I shall be made whole again. Take me back, Lord. Take me back.”


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