Romans 2:17-18 (NKJV)
“Indeed you are called a Jew…and know His will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law,”
Still learning from the Jews, we see two other ways they self identified themselves. Firstly, they knew the will of God. This was not empty boasting, because they had the Law and the Prophets as their guide. So while the world may claim all types of knowledge and advancement, they knew God’s mind. And so must we claim our stand in Christ. We are the generation that have the Spirit of God and who can know the mind of God except the Spirit of God, and being in us, we have the mind of Christ and know the will of God. This is a unique privilege and opportunity to provide leadership in a world gone crazy and scattered with a million ideas and opinions outside the will of God. We have the duty to preserve and present God’s heart to our world.
Secondly, the Jews only approved of “things that are excellent” and so must we. We cannot afford to be a people who cut corners and settle for mediocrity, or for anything less than what God says is right. Excellence is not just in performance; excellence is in doing the right things in the right ways at the right time. As God’s holy people, we must not and cannot settle for less than this. We must insist on excellence as this is our calling to so do.
“Lord, I will not accept mediocrity, neither will I accept what is not God’s mind for me or my generation. I am a Jew of God and I take my mandate seriously. So help me God. Amen.”