Romans 2:24 (NKJV)
“For ‘the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,’ as it is written.”
I fear several things in my life, but one thing I abhor and detest is that I may one day be the reason why unbelievers will mock God, or an unbeliever will choose not to follow God. It is the cry of my heart to be a living example to those who sit in darkness, and even if they choose not to follow the light, it is my ardent prayer that my life will still bring that inner conviction that we are in the truth, and that Christ is truth.
With terrible pain in my heart, I feel ashamed to say that as a Church of God, we have not always lived exemplary lives of truth and light. It is sad to say but many unbelievers have turned away from Christ because of the lifestyle of Christians. Gandhi of India was sadly one of such people. May we exalt the name of Jesus by the natural outflow of the spiritual nature we bear and without exerting any particular spiritual effort, and may the daily unhindered motions of our lives speak louder than a thousand epistles of correct doctrine. Amen.
“Amen Lord. Amen. Unbelievers will be attracted to You Jesus, because of Your light shining ever so brightly through me. So shall it be. Amen.”