April 19, 2019

Romans 3:11-12 (NLT)

“No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God…No one does good,

not a single one.”

There are a few inevitable unchangeable facts that I must come to terms with and one of them is that, in and of myself, I am not good. The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we are not that bad and that we are somehow good. This forgery has left us empty and broken and limping through life, because we have not clung to Him who is able to truly make us good.

Why must I seek God? Because only God is good and only God can make a man good. Doing good is the product of being good, and I cannot be good without God. It is absolute foolishness to start your day and live your life, without the ever desperate need for God. “Badness” is the result of a life that is unwise and lives without clinging to God.

“I am a needy soul, a broken vessel, an unprofitable servant. The only good that ever can come through me must originate from You my Lord. You are my greatest need and my deepest desire. Do not forsake me Lord. Please. Amen.”


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