April 21, 2019

Romans 3:15-16 (NLT)

“They rush to commit murder. Destruction and misery always follow them.”

Another symptom of the unprofitable life is that he is quick to destroy. Because he doesn’t have life, he cannot give life. He is always breaking down, criticizing, destroying. He is always negative. He does not rejoice in people progressing. He doesn’t have real joy and does not like seeing people joyful. He brings misery and pain and hurt.

A profitable man brings joy to the community. He brings life, love and laughter. There is light when he enters and negativity cannot survive in his presence. But not so with those who do not seek God. They have nothing good to offer their generation except doom, and even when it seems they offer good to men, it is from a selfish self-centered motive. You cannot be or give what you don’t have. What you are and what you have will follow you, and for some people, the bible says it is “destruction and misery!” How sad, unfortunate and unprofitable.

“Lord, may this never describe me. I know that the only thing that will save me from this life of destruction and negativity, is to hold on to You ever so tightly, and this I commit to do by Your grace. Amen.”


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