April 29, 2019

Romans 3:31 (NKJV)

“Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.”

It may seem that the law was therefore irrelevant since everything is only by faith, but that is not true. We need the law to establish the fact that no one can truly be justified by the law, and so long as the law keeps on bringing condemnation to us because we all are law breakers, then is the need for justification through another means more pertinent and urgent. The good thing about the law also is that the sacrifices and blood protocols established by the law, only pointed the way to the more perfect Sacrifice of Christ as the final atoning work of God.

So the dispensation of the law was necessary for the inception of the dispensation of grace. In the same way, those who live by whatever moral law today, soon will realize that they too are law breakers and cannot stand before true justice and expect acquittal. Our repeated moral failures are indicators that we can never really boast in our works and that we constantly need Jesus to speak for us from the Mercy Seat of God, otherwise, we still will face the judgement of God as law breakers. So I need the law to keep me humble and needy, as well as show me my incompleteness without Christ.

“Lord, may the law always point out my failures, so that I can live in ever dependence on the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Amen.”


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