Romans 4:6 (NKJV)
“just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works:”
There is a blessedness that is divine, that cannot be equated with anything this world has to offer. When God chooses to impute His righteousness on a man (to place heaven’s stamp of approval and heaven’s nature upon someone), such a blessing is extremely generous, but when God does it to him irrespective of his works, that is indescribable blessedness.
According to NLT, David “described the happiness of those who are declared righteous without working for it,” and this described happiness is almost indescribable. When I don’t deserve God’s righteousness and He declares me righteous, how can I describe this or repay Him? I am a debtor for life, because God has chosen to bless me with a gift that I can never earn or pay back.
“Lord, I am in debt to You for life, and my joy knows no bounds because You have chosen to place Your righteousness on such an unworthy vessel as myself. Thank You Lord. Thank You for all eternity. Amen.”