Romans 4:11 (NKJV)
“And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe…”
Circumcision was not what made Abraham righteous; on the contrary, circumcision was the external sign that he was already righteous through faith. His righteousness had nothing to do with the sign of circumcision. It was simply a sign, a seal, an external evidence that he was truly accepted and approved by God.
In similar fashion, we must be careful not to convert what should be the sign of righteousness and make it into the conditions for righteousness. Circumcision is like baptism; it should only be the external landmark that something internal has taken place. It is totally wrong to therefore turn things around an imagine that because we have the external sign, then the internal has happened. It is very possible to have circumcision or baptism, and be totally unrighteous. Abraham was declared righteous by his faith, before circumcision. The substance comes before the seal. Faith always comes before works. This is God’s correct order.
“Lord, I believe and I will never let my works override or frustrate my faith. I will follow Your correct order. In Jesus name. Amen.”