Romans 5:3 (NKJV)
“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces…”
Nobody likes pain or discomfort, neither is it normal to desire tribulation and trials. We are not called to desire these things and if any man actively goes out to seek for pain and trials, such a person is mentally unwell. However, we acknowledge that God in His sovereignty does allow pain and discomfort into our lives, for the purpose of developing us. There are some things that cannot be formed in us except through the School of Pain, and three of such things are perseverance, character and hope.
Tribulation is a womb that births a deeper and more patient personality. There are some character formations that can never happen within the house of constant pleasures and festivities. The man who has learned to wait on God and to hope in God, did not learn it through a textbook or an academic curriculum. There is a curriculum designed by God that gives depth of life to His children and the program is usually not a pleasant one. But once you know what the outcome would be and once you know there are some spiritual treasures hidden behind the program, then like Paul, you can say, “we also glory in tribulations, knowing”. The knowing is the key.
“Jesus, I know You are not wicked and if You choose to permit pain and tribulation into my life, I know You must be working on something good and useful in me. I am Your vessel. Form me even as You will. Amen.”