Romans 5:5 (NKJV)
“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
There is a hope that is produced from and through faith. This hope is the result of spiritual formation on the journey with God. It’s a hope that’s not anchored on human sentiments or emotional feelings but anchored on the knowledge we have of Who God is and how much He loves us. When our hope is a product of faith based reasoning, and deep Holy Spirit convictions, that type of hope endures and outlasts any tribulation or trial.
NLT puts it slightly differently, “this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us.” Knowledge of the love of God anchors hope, but this knowledge is not mental but is actually put in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. God wants our hope in Him to override whatever this world brings, and to guarantee that, He fills our hearts with His Spirit which assures us of His love in all situations. Isn’t God amazing?
“Wow! Thank You Lord, for anchoring my hope in Your love and not in myself. May I always believe and remember this invaluable truth, in Jesus name. Amen.”