May 14, 2019

Romans 5:9 (NLT)

“And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation.”

God will certainly save me from condemnation and destruction. This doctrine is one of the most beautiful doctrines in the entire bible, a sure promise that cannot be broken. God has saved me and God will save me from condemnation. Is this therefore a license to sin and live recklessly? Of course not. If I live recklessly because I believe God will save me, then I am not indeed saved and do not have the nature of God, for God is in Himself complete and does not need saving, yet He lives according to His nature. His nature does not permit Him to live outside the parameters of truth and righteousness.

I rejoice that God has chosen to show me mercy by promising me the certainty of salvation from condemnation. By and because of the blood of Christ, I am sure that I am not and will not be condemned. In response to this sure promise and this sustaining work of grace, I am called to cooperate with God to live in Him, for Him and to His glory.

“Lord my God, I am sure that I am saved and will be saved from all condemnation. I cannot rejoice enough in this word of promise, and I anchor my life, my actions, my personality, my confidence, and my walk on this great promise of God. Thank You Father. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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