May 22, 2019

Romans 6:11 (NKJV)

“Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

It is not enough to be free from the slavery to sin and death. This is only partial deliverance because where there is freedom from death and no presence of life, death still reigns in disguise. Yes, we are indeed dead to sin and we know that we are no longer slaves to sin, but are we alive to God? Are our spiritual faculties and spiritual antenna’s activated and operational and connected to the divine?

We need God’s life fully flowing through us. It is only those who have experienced resurrection, that can manifest the very life of God. Through Jesus Christ, we have the very nature and life of God. This is why Jesus came. If we are only free from sin and do not possess the DNA of God, then we cannot be alive to God, for God only connects to those who have His DNA. But we are alive in God and alive to God. God is available to us and within reach.

“Lord, thank You for giving me the faculties that permit me to connect with the Godhead. I am in God and to God, through Jesus Christ and this is a divine privilege. Thank You again Lord. Amen.”


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