June 3, 2019

Romans 8:5 (NKJV)

“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”

One way to know the man who is in Christ is by what he sets his mind on. The mind and the spirit are connected and both influence each other. What I set my mind on influences my spirit and my spiritual content influences my mind. The spiritual man is the man who has his mind influenced by his new creation spirit and thereby makes his mind focus on things that edify and build the spirit. Because both are interconnected, they are therefore mutually reinforcing on their agreed priorities. This unspoken spiritual agreement is projected in the specific activities that the man does, which reveal who he really is on the inside.

For the man who is in Christ, his natural tendencies, appetites and pursuits will be towards things that glorify God. Even in his normal daily life activities, he is averse to whatever contradicts God’s pattern and he naturally revolts against such. His mind pushes him in the direction of righteousness, truth and virtue, and these are the result of the inner pulling from the spirit man. The spiritual man has a spiritual mind, that draws from a spirit located inside of Christ. Watch what your mind desires and thereby determine where your spirit is located.

“Thank You Lord for showing me that it is impossible to be in Christ and yet have a mind that is flesh centered. May my mind always stay connected to my Christ-centered spirit, in Your name I pray. Amen.”


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