Romans 8:7-8 (NKJV)
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”
The man who is outside of Christ is an enemy of God. This is one of the most damning statements about the carnally minded man, or the man who is living outside the control of the Holy Spirit. He, actually, is God’s enemy. Even if he does not vocalize it, his spirit is antagonistic to the ways and priorities of God. NLT says, such a mind is “hostile to God.” Note that Scriptures does not say that God is hostile to the carnally minded man, because if God was, He would probably wipe out half of those who claim to be Christians.
Those who are dominated by the sinful nature may claim to be Christian but their innermost desires and appetites are contradictory to the ways and laws of God. Even they know that something within them is pushing away from walking the narrow way of the spiritual life. The inner nature fights back and does not embrace the spiritual life. Such a life does not belong to God and cannot please God. Where we discover that we are not attracted to the things of God, but rather naturally pull away from God to the world, this may dictate where we are coming from and where our spirits truly belong.
“Lord Jesus, my deeper most desire is to please You. I refuse to walk any path that is hostile to You. My mind embraces You as my Source and pleasing You is my greatest joy. Help me remain on this path Lord Jesus. Amen.”