Romans 8:17 (NKJV)
“and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…”
I am an heir of God. I am among those chosen to inherit the blessings and promises of God. I am an heir not by my own right or merit, but because of Jesus. My location in Jesus makes me a joint heir with Him of all that God has. This is a fearful thing to contemplate but what belongs to God belongs to me, because all of God belongs to Christ and I am in Christ. Does this make me God? Of course not. I am not God, neither will I ever be. But God has granted me the rare privilege to be among those with whom He shares Himself (if such a thing is possible), and once I am in God, God is in me and all of Him and His becomes mine.
Those who are in Christ are the inheritors of God. God’s divine nature is ours and His eternal properties will one day be ours to bear. “In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory.” – NLT. God’s nature radiates God’s glory and even this glory is our inheritance. I shudder to go beyond this or to imagine the implications of being an heir of God. I fear lest I tread beyond what is permitted or enter into forbidden territory. But my spirit confirms that we who are in Christ and who God is not ashamed to call His children and heirs of God, we are yet to fully understand or experience the depth of what God has in store for us. And rather than shrink away, this emboldens me with greater confidence and hope for this life and for the life to come. Afterall, I am God’s heir.
“I rejoice with great excitement but some fear Lord, for my mind grapples to understand the expanse of what it means to be Your heir. I don’t fully understand it and I ask You open my eyes to see and comprehend what this means for my life in this world and in the world to come. Amen.”