June 21, 2019

Romans 8:32 (NKJV)

“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

Because we are in the love of God, and because God has already given us the most precious asset He has, there is nothing good that God will withhold from us. God has given us His best, and with that gift comes the guarantee that every other thing we need will also be freely accessible, by the faith of those who believe. Don’t doubt God. Don’t doubt His benevolence. If He could give us Christ at no charge, why would He not also bless us with all His other good gifts and blessings that come through faith in Christ Jesus.

I must believe and keep believing. I must never doubt the love of God. The “all things” referred to here, are not only concerning the things of this present life but also the things in the next life. The “all things” are the all things of God and in God. He is committed to those who are in Him, and we need to firmly believe so that we do not fall away from His current and promised blessings. The conclusion is that I have access to the “all things of God.” Halleluya. What privilege we have in Christ.

“Lord, we are so eternally gratefully for freely giving us Christ, and freely giving us Your blessings of ‘all things’ in and through Christ. Amen and thank You eternal God. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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