Romans 8:37 (NKJV)
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
There is a real battle but the outcome is already predetermined. The enemy of our lives have already lost because we have the Victor on our side. We have conquered in Christ and we are more than conquerors through Christ. I am not a loser neither can I be. If I am in Christ and I remain in Christ, I cannot lose. What may seem like an earthly loss, is not a loss to God. Irrespective of what the earth shows, I am still victorious because I am in Christ, and Christ does not lose.
God is on my side and victory is assured. For every elect of God, victory is our inheritance. “…despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” – NLT. We are not just victorious, we have overwhelming victory through Christ. The love of Christ is His commitment to ensuring we remain victorious. Even if we are mocked and derided as failures here, this is not the end. The chapters of our lives do not end with the affairs of this life. The story continues after we leave this human body, and that is why our victory is assured even if it may seem for a season that we suffer shame and loss. God loves us and is committed to our overwhelming victory. This is our assurance and conviction in Christ.
“My inheritance is overwhelming victory in Christ. As Your child, Your love upholds me and guarantees my victory. Thank You Lord. Amen.”