Romans 10:2-3 (NKJV)
“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.”
It’s painful to see millions of people seeking to please God by trying to establish their own righteousness outside of God’s plan. It’s so sad and heartbreaking. Ignorance of the truth does not free us from the futility of ignorance. Zeal that is not based on truth is empty zeal and millions are zealous for God, but without any real substance as foundation.
God has His righteousness and He has set a pathway for us to enter that righteousness. If we follow in His pathway, we will experience His grace and power. If we follow our own ways, and do not submit to God’s pattern to attain righteousness, we will not only suffer frustration here, we will harvest eternal lose and damnation. God’s way is the only way. Zeal outside God’s way is foolishness. Ignorance can be cured by knowledge, and we need to always seek knowledge and present same to the ignorant in our world. Pain, death, hopelessness and futility are all products of ignorance of God’s pattern. In my short life, I don’t want to chase shadows. I want to live according to God’s pattern, and teach others to do same.
“Lord, show me Your ways. Use me also to show others the ways You’ve shown me. Deliver us from ignorance and false zeal. In Jesus name. Amen.”