July 10, 2019

Romans 10:11 (NKJV)

“For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’”

I shall not be put to shame. All of Satan’s scheming and manipulations are aimed at bringing shame to me, and to Christ, through me. But because I have believed in Christ and put all my trust in Him, I will not be shamed. All the devices designed to bring me shame must surely fail. The engineering of the enemy will turn against them, and my victory is sure, because I am in Christ. The scriptures have declared it and I believe it.

I choose to believe God’s Word over human wisdom. As rendered by NLT, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” I am part of that “anyone.” It means that this victory over disgrace is not a special right for a few but it is available to everyone and anyone who dares to trust in Him. I will not be disgraced. Whatever was meant to bring disgrace will not succeed because in Christ, I am above it. And knowing that what happens in this world is not the end of the story, I am therefore convinced that even if Satan might look like he won here, God still has the last word over my situation in eternity, and temporary shame here does not translate into eternal shame. My name is connected to Christ. Shame is not my final destiny because that was not and is not Christ’s destiny.

“Lord, I believe and I therefore know my destiny according to Your Word. My destiny is tied to Yours, and where You are is where I am. I am above Satan and above His attempts at discrediting me, because I put all my trust in You. Amen.”


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