July 15, 2019

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. It’s not how much we work or what sacrifices we make that impresses God. What impresses God is how much we believe, and this faith in God comes in stages. Faith is not static. Faith grows and develops, but the one and original source of true faith must be God’s Word. God’s Word is the substance of faith. God’s Word is the pillar of faith. God’s Word is the life of our faith. If we will have the God kind of faith, it must be anchored on the Word of God.

But there are many who anchor their faith on people. They hear great testimonies and without knowing what God’s Word says on the matter, they jump into action based on human testimony. Testimonies are good and they can assist faith but they must never anchor faith. The sign of a good testimony is when it focuses people back to what God has said about a situation. Faith must not be anchored also on the spiritual gifts of men. Yes, God may use men, but that should not be our focus of faith. Faith must also not be anchored on faith. The one sure foundation of faith is the Word of God. The language of faith is: “Because God said it, I believe it.” Such a faith will stand the test of time and temptation.

“Lord, may I grow in studying and knowing Your Word, for only thereby will my faith in You grow beyond where it currently is. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”


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