July 16, 2019

Romans 10:21 (NKJV)

“All day long I have stretched out My hands, to a disobedient and contrary people.”

God’s love is past finding out. His endurance towards us is deep and extreme. Although we are often hard hearted and disobedient, He still stretches out His hands of love to us. Even when we repeatedly fail Him, He continues to love us. This is far beyond our comprehension. I love this God because of Who He is and how He relates with His people. Of course, there will be a final day of judgement and reckoning when all disobedience will be judged, but until that day, we see God’s arms stretched out continually in love towards His own.

The scripture here talks about His dealings with Israel. Despite Israel’s apostasy and rejection of the Messiah, God has not totally rejected the Jews. In fact, He has continued to preserve, uphold and show much grace to Israel. This kind of love is only God-made and God-enabled. We cannot love like this except God pours His love-DNA into us and re-shapes us by and in this new DNA. Our natural response is to disregard and boycott the disobedient; for our human nature lacks the kind of patient endurance that God has. But we need it. We need to love like God. We need to deal with men like God. If we are indeed His children, then may we learn to stretch out arms of love even to those who have rejected and refused our love.

“O Lord, thank You for Your extreme and persistent love for me and Your Church. Make me like You Lord. Give me Your love DNA. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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