July 23, 2019

Romans 11:18 (NKJV)

“…But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.”

Do not boast against the branches that were plucked off to give you a space for ingrafting. Do not boast in your new found position in the olive tree. Always remember who you were and how you came to this position. It is not what you did that made you who you are; it was the sovereign act of the Lord that extended mercy to you. And even now that you are in the olive tree, it is not you that supports the roots; in fact, you are actually and totally useless if the root does not support you.

We are barren if the root does not support us. We cannot do anything if the tree does not uphold us. Even if we chose to abide in the tree, it is still the root that supplies everything we need to be who we are. We are so totally dependent on the root that we should never have any reason to boast whatsoever. It is total stupidity to hear people making a boast of themselves and boasting against others. How can we boast when we are so dependent? How dare we boast in anything whatsoever knowing that we cannot survive or produce anything useful or meaningful, without the Lord’s direct intervention? We must not join the rank of stupid men who think they are something when really they are nothing without the root.

“I will never forget who I was. I was a wild olive tree. I know that if You don’t uphold me, I will return to being a wild olive tree. I will not join the company of stupid men who have forgotten this truth. Amen.”


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