Romans 11:20 (NKJV)
“…Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear.”
What keeps us is our belief in Him. Faith is our lifeline. Without faith, there is no hope. What keeps us connected to the vine is not our human efforts but faith in His benevolence and goodness. We stand only because we believe. The original branches who are the Jews, were cut off because of unbelief. We need to learn a lesson from that. “For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either” – verse 21. If God did not spare them who were the original and natural branches, what makes us think that He will spare us if we don’t continue in faith? Too many Christians unfortunately do not learn from the lessons of history.
We need to keep believing. Haughtiness is the antithesis of faith. Once we become haughty, we have forgotten the lessons of what happened to the original branches. Our life line is to walk in faith coupled with fear, knowing that God will not spare us if we stepped away from faith. Unbelief is what cuts us off; faith is what keeps us in. In all circumstances and in every situation, let our hearts have hope and faith in God; in Who He is, in What He says and in What He is doing. Faith endears us closer and closer to God.
“I will not be haughty Lord. I dare not be. I live in hope and faith, coupled with reverence. You are God. I am man. That’s the way it is.”