July 26, 2019

Romans 11:34-35 (NKJV)

“…’Or who has become His counselor?’ ‘Or who has first given to Him

And it shall be repaid to him?’”

God is sufficient in Himself. God does not have a need. We sometimes like to think that God needs us and depends on us, but that is thinking of ourselves too highly. Of course, God expects some things from us but expectation and need are not the same thing. God expects us to worship Him, but without our worship, God already has unceasing and unbroken praise and worship happening around Him for all eternity. God is God.

According to NLT, “Who knows enough to give him advice?” There is no one in time or eternity who can advise God. What do we know that He did not give us and what can we ever know that did not emanate from Him? We are called to reverence this all sufficient God because we have nothing that He does not already have and we are the ones who are totally insufficient without Him and never vice versa. For this reason, I need to remain bowed down in worship, in thanksgiving and in appreciation, for He has extended His overflow of Himself to me and anything I have or know is actually just an extension from the graciousness of the Almighty.

“Lord, You are eternal and all sufficient; I am limited by this mortal body. Anything good I have or know comes from You. Help me take my rightful place in worshipping You – my Lord, my life and my sustainer.”


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