Romans 12:1 (NKJV)
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”
There is a service that is reasonable and there’s another that heaven considers unreasonable. We may be busy with so many things that heaven does not think reasonable; in fact, heaven may consider them irrelevant. For this reason, it’s important I focus on what is reasonable and invest my time and resources on that. From this scripture, a reasonable service is presenting my body as a holy and acceptable sacrifice before God. Not my spirit or my soul, but my body.
The body counts. The body matters. What I do with any aspect of my body is important to God. The body was made by Him and how I use it matters to Him. It belongs to Him. It is therefore my reasonable service to give it back to the Owner, as it was originally intended to be: holy and righteous. God wants to accept my sacrifices but it must begin with the offering of my body. Protect your body. Preserve your body. Don’t abuse it. Giving it back to God in the right condition is a ministry to God.
“Lord, I will not abuse my body. Help me to manage it properly in a holy and God-approved way, that brings You glory. In Jesus name. Amen.”