Romans 12:2 (NLT)
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think…”
The world keeps telling us that they know what’s right and what’s appropriate and what’s best. The world is not satisfied with doing their own stuff, the world insists that we should copy them and be like them. The world’s machinery of relationship, media, marketing and so forth are fully behind extending the influence of the world, so that their standards and values are fast becoming the default and only acceptable pattern in society. This is the entire goal of the world system; to make their perspective the non-negotiable norm.
We are however called into a counter reactive posture. It would seem like everything that the world has elevated, we are called to demote. Likewise, everything that the world has presented as the acceptable norm, we must subject to the microscope of God’s Word. If we take our stand by God’s revealed and inspired standards, we will often find ourselves in a directly opposite tangent to the world system. We cannot therefore succumb to their appeal to copy them. On the contrary, we should be on the offensive, demanding that people reject the world and follow Christ. This is the ancient struggle that is manifesting in our present world, and we cannot betray our forefathers in the faith by choosing to copy the world system.
“Lord, I will not copy the world. My stand is diametrically opposed to whatever the world is offering me, and I will always make my stand clear, so that people can see an alternative to the world system. In Jesus name. Amen.”