August 2, 2019

Romans 12:2 (NLT)

“…Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

In the midst of all the ambiguities in knowing the will of God or the mind of God, one fact remains sure: God’s will for us is good and not evil. I may not know what are the details of that will, neither may I know the pathways to getting into the will of God, but one thing I am sure of: God’s will for me is good, it’s pleasing and it’s perfect. This fact takes away the extreme pressures of wondering what God intends for me or if God would bring evil upon my head. God is good and He does good to His children, and even if I can’t explain all the details of His will for me, I am rested in knowing that He means well for me.

That’s why it’s good to grow in learning His will. The journey of learning may seem dark and confusing but knowing that goodness and blessings lie at the end of the tunnel is a great motivation to continue in the search. If it is not God’s will, then it is not “good, pleasing and perfect.” Even if it seems good to us, if it’s outside God’s will, then it is actually bad and ugly and imperfect. The decaying and useless may seem good to the ignorant whose mind is not renewed and who is not learning to know the mind of God; and therein lies the danger. We seek to know because we are convinced that it’s only in God’s perfect will that we can find His goodness and pleasure. Everything else outside of this is simply garbage.

“Lord, I want Your good and perfect will. O Lord, keep renewing my mind so that I may never settle for anything less. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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