August 15, 2019

Romans 12:11 (NKJV)

“…fervent in spirit, serving the Lord”

Fervency is fire. Fervency is passion. The fervent man is enthusiastic about whatever he does. Serving God cannot be done without passion and fire. It is that inner flame that pushes us out to do things we normally don’t feel like doing. The solution to procrastination and laziness in ministry is the flame of God. The fire of God burns. The fire of God devours all the chaff and hypocrisies that plague our human nature. Where God’s fire dwells, nothing else can inhabit. Halleluya!

My greatest need is God’s fire in my bosom. Knowledge is good but passion gives knowledge meaning. Knowledge without passion is useless. Serving God with lots of knowledge and no fire, makes you a scribe; a theologian who is twice dead on the inside. Fire propels. Fire thrusts. Fire compels. Fire directs. Fire creates life. Serving the Lord must be with fire, with passion. NLT says, “serve the Lord enthusiastically.” Fire fuels enthusiasm. Fire makes life worth living. A man on fire is contagious. He sets others ablaze. We need the fire of God that recreates and spreads the passion of God among many. I need passion desperately; more desperately than knowledge.

“Lord, re-fire me. I need a fresh touch of God that will set me ablaze for Your heart. I need fresh passion that will make my life urgent. I need You Lord to do in me, what I cannot do for myself. Baptize me Lord with Your fire. Amen.”


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