August 25, 2019

Romans 13:7 (NKJV)

“Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.”

It is the appropriate thing to do as commanded by God, to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God. By this, it may look as if we should give to Caesar what Caesar demands even if it’s against what God demands; but I don’t think that’s what God is saying. All things belong to God and where man is operating in line with God’s purposes, then such a man is in God’s will. It is our civil and righteous obligation to give honor to leaders and pay our dues and taxes accordingly. Dishonoring leadership and refusing to pay the customary taxes and dues is wrong, except in exceptional cases. What are these?

I cannot financially support a government that is perpetuating evil. I cannot pay taxes to a leadership that is bent on intentionally destroying the Church of God. I cannot lend help to those who want to put out the light of God in my generation. Does this mean that I will only support Christian governments? No, not at all. It is my civil duty to honor and respect and support the government and leaders in authority, once it is clear that they are not consciously using their mechanism of leadership to deliberately do evil. In such a case, I will not honor them neither will I pay taxes and customs to them. Is this disobeying Scriptures? I don’t think so.

“Lord, I cannot help evil perpetuate itself. I will honor and obey those who honor You. While I respect all leaders, Lord I cannot support those who are out to destroy Your people and Your purposes. Help me change my position Lord, if this position is wrong. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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