August 27, 2019

Romans 13:11 (NKJV)

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.”

The Bible says, “It’s high time to awake,” which means you have slept enough. It’s day time. You’ve stayed long enough in the place of sluggish existence. It’s time for change. It’s time to come out of dazed sluggish living. It’s enough. How long shall we move through life in slow motion? How long shall we procrastinate and debate, rather than actively engage with life? For those who understand the times and seasons, they know that we are running out of time. What we thought was our future is now our yesterday. We’ve spent too much time in feet-dragging in our day.

The end is near. We are closer to our salvation now than when we first started this journey. Each day brings us closer to the night. Make the best of your day, because you don’t have today again tomorrow. When your night comes, it’s over. No more chances. No more opportunities. We cannot keep sleeping in our day. We can’t keep being sluggish in our day. Maximize your day. Maximize life before the night comes. Be discerning because time is against us. Live life to the full, in your day.

“Lord, I know my day is running out and my final encounter with You is closer today than it was yesterday. Teach me to live my day fully. Deliver me from sleepy and sluggish living. In Your name I pray. Amen.”


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