September 4, 2019

Romans 14:12 (NKJV)

“So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.”

There’s a future DAY that I still feel uncomfortable about and that is the day that I will stand before the judgement seat of Christ. I know that I have been saved and that my salvation is not by works but by the atonement of Christ, yet that does not remove me from facing the day of assessment before God, “For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ,” – verse 10. This day of accounting will not be a funny day because I know that there will be things that may show up of which I am ashamed of. Though I am saved through the blood of Christ, yet I will still be required to give an explanation for the way I conducted myself in the flesh and how I utilized the grace of God given to me in Christ.

I cannot therefore relax in the knowledge of my redemption. I must not assume that God’s day of assessment will not have negative consequences. Even if it does not lead to my damnation (which I don’t believe it will), yet the fact that my life failed to enter into all of God’s expectations will be a major loss for me. I am called to fully manifest God and fully utilize all of His grace given to me. Failure is therefore not only connected to a sinful lifestyle; failure is the inability for me to be all that Christ ordained me to be. At the judgement seat of Christ, we will be asked to account for our lives; to account for the graces released to us, to account for the opportunities given to us. If that day will not turn out to be a day of shame and loss, we need to buck up now and rise on the wings of God’s grace so that we can boldly declare, “All that heaven expected of me, I have fully executed by God’s grace.”

“Lord, spare me of any shame on the Day of Christ. May grace be released to me afresh so that I may rise from liturgy, into living the full life of God expected of me. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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