Romans 15:4 (NKJV)
“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”
The Holy Scriptures are inspired by God for us men, and they are not given randomly but as with everything from God, they are given with a specific objective in mind. The summary is that the Holy Scriptures are given for our learning and amongst many others, here are some learning points. Firstly, scripture is given for us to learn patience. As we meditate on Scriptures and ponder on God’s dealing with His people of old, we are illuminated and empowered to grow in patience. God teaches patience through the hardships of life, and as we see living examples in Scriptures, we too are taught to live patiently as we walk with God.
The second lesson from Scriptures is that we receive comfort. God’s Word is a comfort to the weary traveler. His Word soothes and calms, even as we struggle through the rough seas of life. Waiting on God through His Word, brings inner stability and rest, even while we go through the fiery furnace of life’s troubles. Finally, Scriptures give us hope. We serve a God of hope and Scriptures are full of examples of men who held unto God and were valiant to overcome. Scripture shows us the possibilities with God and for those who trust in Him. Scriptures point us to a future of hope that’s bright, assured and anchored in Christ. Those who meditate on scriptures cannot lose out because the promises and lessons of God are “yea and amen in Christ Jesus.” Amen.
“Yes Lord, I will gaze upon You through the Scriptures, and I will receive all the lessons You have earmarked for me through the revelations of Scriptures. Keep my heart steady Lord. Teach me to keep gazing upon You in and through Your Word. In Jesus name. Amen.”