September 24, 2019

Romans 15:19 (NLT)

“They were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God’s Spirit…”

It’s good to have good doctrines and good teachings, but many times, people need more than that. Conservative and orthodox brethren (which cuts across all denominational lines) have always prided themselves in the originality and substance of their teachings, but many of them fail to see that people are hungry for more than good teachings. As Paul went about preaching the message of Christ to the Gentiles, he noted that, “they were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of God’s Spirit.” People may not be convinced by a good message if it’s not accompanied by other dimensions of the gospel.

I need more than good teaching and I need to manifest more than good teaching. I need the power of God to breathe upon me and to show Himself in practical ways through me. The world is full of devils, darkness and devious people. The forces of Satan respect God’s power and if we will make any reasonable impact for God, we need God more than ever. I need God more than ever. I need to go beyond orthodoxy. People I mingle with and share Christ with, need more than the logos of the Word of God. Jesus was a living and moving dynamite for God. People that met Him were transformed. Even His teachings were not just mere words but words backed by the fullness of God. That’s the cry of my heart, to be like Jesus; both in life and in ministry. Amen.

“Yes Lord, that’s my cry this day; to go beyond the orthodoxy of words that lack God’s divine manifestation. Not human skills and oratory Lord; I need You to work through me in definite ways, to the glory of Your name and not mine. Amen.”


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