October 1, 2019

Romans 15:29 (NKJV)

“But I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.”

When you come into a gathering, what do you bring along? We need to ask ourselves this hard question: “What added value do I bring with me when I enter a fellowship? What aura and atmosphere do I bring with me? Do I bring a fragrance of personal importance or a fragrance of Christ’s blessings?” Some things are only spiritually discerned and only those with spiritual eyes may see and understand the spirit working behind the presence of a person. When those with the eyes of Christ see me, what do they see? Do they see a man consumed in Christ and bringing the blessings of Christ, or do they see a man consumed with himself, bringing his ideas and promoting his self-importance?

Paul was so sure about what he was bringing into the fellowship. He said, “I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.” He wasn’t coming with the blessings but in the blessings. This means that the blessings weren’t something tangible he carried physically, but they were the intangible aura of Christ which overflowed through his person. Paul was in the blessings of the gospel and wherever he went, he came in and with the blessings of the gospel of Christ, as wrapped up and interwoven with his person. He was so saturated in Christ that wherever he went, his presence brought the presence of Christ. It wasn’t about Paul; it was all about the Christ who dwelt in and ruled the life of Paul. What a beautiful picture of what we can bring into a fellowship.

“Lord, it is my earnest desire and prayer that my presence would bring more than mere physical blessings to a fellowship. The cry of my heart is that You, my Lord and Christ, would be magnified and uplifted in anything I do and anywhere I go; that You will so saturate me so that the only thing people see and feel and sense and praise – is You and You alone. Amen.”


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