How to spell LOVE!

August 17, 2020

LOVE is spelt as SACRIFICE.

It doesn’t matter how much you say you love someone. LOVE is not love without commitment, and commitment is not commitment without sacrifice.

The only true way to MEASURE LOVE is by your level of COMMITMENT, and we can’t talk of commitment without SACRIFICE!

So can we stop deceiving ourselves?

Did you say you love God? Did you say you love your family? Did you say you love someone? Forget all the flowery words about love. Much talk is vanity. Measure your relationship by this one yardstick of sacrifice. Check how much sacrifice you’re putting into it.

John 15:13, ”Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

May I grow up in understanding by changing my definitions. Henceforth, no more self deception. I will measure everything by the level of sacrifice I’m willing to give to it. Jesus defined His love for us by His dying for us. He has set the standards.

If I love you, then I must sacrifice for you. That’s my commitment.


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