“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.”
—Psalm 32:8-9
“Got an important decision before you and not sure what to do? Run into the secret place! Because to God it’s not only important what decision you make; it’s also important to Him how you come to make that decision…Jesus wants you making decisions from the fountainhead of intimacy with Him.
“Your ‘Abba’ Father loves you so much, He is deeply interested in every affair of your life and longs to be included in your every decision-making process.
“The wisest thing you’ll ever do in this life is to draw close to God and to seek Him with all your heart. When you pursue this intimacy, you will begin to unlock the greatest secrets of life. It’s here He guides you with His eye and directs your heart with His heart. Sometimes we tend to make life decisions based upon our appraisal of surrounding circumstances and conditions. However, the Lord doesn’t want us getting our direction from looking outward but from looking upward.
“So much can be communicated in the expressions and focus of the eye! Gaze upon His mouth until He speaks to you. Look into His eye until His glance directs the way in which you should walk…those who make their decisions based upon what they see in God become thermostats of society: They influence their world through the forcefulness of bringing divinely received initiatives to bear upon this earthly sphere.
“Intimacy precedes insight. Passion precedes purpose. First comes the secret place, then comes divine guidance. God doesn’t simply want to get you on the right path, He wants to enjoy you throughout the journey. He doesn’t want you to find His will and then take off running, leaving Him in the dust. God’s primary desire for your life is not that you discover His will and walk in it; His primary desire is that you draw near to Him and come to know Him.
“Pursuing a knowing relationship with God in the secret place is not only the smartest thing you’ll ever do, it’s also one of the greatest keys to discovering your highest destiny in God.”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“Oh Lord, how I so much want to walk with You and find my destiny in You. How I so much want to dive deeper and deeper into You, and from You—walk into all that You have purposed for me. My Lord, may I enjoy the process of dwelling with You, that I may also enjoy following You into Your best future for me. My King, how I so much want to be in the center of Your will, that I may make an indelible impact on my generation. Please Lord—don’t let me pursue these “life-goals” without first pursuing You. Open my eyes to see Your will for my life, even as You open my heart to love You so much more deeply. Lead me Lord. Lead me with Your eyes and Your heart. Let my innermost being connect with Your Spirit so that my every move and every step is in sync with Your programs for me and my generation. Forbid me from chasing the wind, when I should rather be chasing You. May I never miss Your will for my life. Please Lord, keep guiding me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”
The Challenge
As you grow in experiencing God in the Secret Place, make the decision not to make any critical life-decision without first getting Holy Spirit’s definite guidance through His peace, clarity and release.