“If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light”
—Matthew 6:22
“One of the greatest secrets to intimacy with God is to come to Him as your only source of help and hope. ‘Lord, in this situation I have no Plan B—no other options to default to if You don’t come through. You are the only one who can help me!’ He loves it when you look to Him alone for deliverance. And the inverse is also true: His jealousy is kindled when we entertain other saviors.
“So a god is defined as this: anything to which we ascribe the power to deliver us…Everywhere we turn, the gods of our culture are promoting their powers. Television commercials promote the many alternatives for relief: ‘Try me! Let me heal your pain. I am your answer. Look no further. Come to me, and I will deliver you.’
Something dynamic happens in your spirit when you look at some of those sources of deliverance and say, ‘No! God, You alone are my Deliverer!’ Not only is your own spirit tenderized through such singular affection, but the response of the Father in the way He moves upon your heart is quite without parallel.
“God-worshipers are those who come to God first in their time of need. They seek God’s face and wait on Him to receive directives for the course to take. The secret place becomes the threshold where we wait upon God, seeking His powerful intervention, and crying out to Him for wisdom and revelation.
“Your role is to gaze upon Him, love Him, and grow in patience and faith; His role is to loose resurrection power in His time and way. Not every crisis you face falls into this category, but when it does…get excited! You’re taking the high road of the greatest saints of history, the pathway where God reveals the power of His arm, the splendor of His majestic beauty, and the awesomeness of His eternal purposes.
(For Matthew 6:22), the old King James Version says, “If therefore thine eye be single.” Whether translated “good” or “single,” the original Greek word means to be void of duplicity, to have singularity of focus. When your eye is focused on God alone as your Savior and Deliverer, you open to the fullness of light He destines to fill your entire being.
“When the storm hits, run into the secret place, establish your spirit, and say to Him with unwavering resolve, ‘You alone are my expectation.’ Our God loves to prove Himself strong on behalf of those who have no other gods before Him.”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“My eye and my heart is singularly focused on You Lord. I admit that I have fallen so many times to the addictive powers of ‘lesser gods’ who have sought my attention and devotion. Today Lord, in Your name and by Your power, I reject their transient allurements and seductions. Oh Lord, I return to You again, and my heart is determined to look only to You. I gaze upon You more than sentries who wait for the morning. You alone are my Deliverer, my Savior, my Only Hope. Amen.”
My Challenge
Identify and detect the other gods around your life that are seeking attention and worship. Consciously and prayerfully remove them from your soul-gaze, and return your total attention to the Lord God Almighty—your life-giver and refuge.