1 Samuel 2:7 (NKJV)
“The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up.”
Your success and prosperity is not tied to your hard work alone. It is good to work hard, to strive for excellence, to give your best in your endeavors, but you need to always remember that you don’t hold the final card. Prosperity is the gift of God, and He gives it to whomsoever He wills. While God has set in place, laws that govern life, He Himself is above the laws of life. He has said that the hardworking man will find bread and water, and yet, in His utter sovereignty, not every hard-working man gets all the bread and water he needs.
We must keep our eyes on God. Beyond the laws that govern productivity, is the law of depending on God. It is God who makes rich and who lifts up. And if we begin to think that we have earned the right to wealth, we must be very careful because He is also the One who makes poor and brings low. The law of dependency is the root of prosperity. God loves the dependent ones. God loves those who lean on Him. God loves those who know that their daily status is tied to favor from God, and they, therefore, press in more earnestly in total dependency on His majesty and goodwill.