May 29, 2024

1 Samuel 17:17-18 (NKJV)
“Then Jesse said to his son David, ‘Take now for your brothers an ephah of this dried grain and these ten loaves, and run to your brothers at the camp. And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers fare, and bring back news of them.’”

As today’s spiritual battle rages on, different people are called to play different roles.

To follow up on the last devotion on faithfulness, we need to each identify and discover the roles God wants us to play in His global agenda.

While some roles may seem large and obvious, others may not seem as significant. Yet, every role is critical.

In God’s spiritual economy, every believer has a strategic role to play in establishing His kingdom over the forces of hell.

As the threat from the Philistines became imminent, Jesse gladly released his three sons to go to the forefront, knowing that he may never see them again. That was the first sacrifice he was willing to make.

He didn’t choose family safety over God’s kingdom agenda.

As the battle with the Philistines raged on, Jesse sensed that he needed to sacrifice more.

Even though he was not wealthy (at least compared to King Saul), he chose to send supplies to the field. He sent supplies to his children and their captain.

But that was not enough. He wanted news from the frontlines.

He wanted to know how his children were doing.

He wanted to know how the battle was faring.

He was not just concerned with giving them physical food; he needed to make sure they were okay.

Jesse was concerned about the campaign’s success and was committed to playing his role in making that happen.

While he knew he couldn’t physically be on the front lines, he identified what he could do and sacrificially made his investments.

God needs footmen in the forefront. God needs people who can provide supplies to them.

God needs couriers to take the supplies. God needs people who ask after the well-being of the footmen.

God’s economy needs people willing to sacrifice to advance the kingdom.

What’s your role in God’s mission? Are you doing something about advancing the kingdom of God?

Where are you serving? Is it strategic enough? Are you making sacrifices? Some died to advance this kingdom.

May we never be idle in these days of strategic advancement. Amen.


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