September 11, 2024

1 Samuel 19:10
“Then Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he slipped away from Saul’s presence; and he drove the spear into the wall. So David fled and escaped that night.”

There are people overwhelmed with distressing and depressing spirits, and these people are unsafe to be around. People with distressing spirits are dangerous people because their thoughts are not founded on reality.

Distressing spirits come into vacuums created by turning away from God’s promises. Living according to God’s Word is the best protection against distressing spirits, and fighting people does not solve this problem.

Saul was anointed by God to lead. Then, through disobedience, he rejected God’s presence in his life and opened the door for distressing spirits that began to make him want to kill David. But David was never his problem.

If you are always intimidated by people, always unsure about yourself, and always blaming people for your situation, maybe you are plagued by a distressing spirit. This lifestyle is not God’s pattern for the pilgrim. Reject it.

People with distressing spirits pursue the wrong problems and look for solutions in the wrong places. Rather than return to God, they try to eliminate anything that seems to threaten their status quo. They are unstable.

Our advice to pilgrims is two-fold. Whenever we enter into any disobedience, be quick to repent and return to the Lord. Continued long-term disobedience has tragic implications for our souls. Be quick to shut those windows.

Secondly, be sensitive and discerning. If you notice people around you are always seeking to destroy you, do something about it. Get others involved. If necessary, get out of that situation. To escape is okay.

Like David, we are peacemakers. We will always seek to still the waters in the souls of men. But we may not always succeed. People with distressing spirits need to cooperate with us. Change cannot be forced.

Protect yourself from things that can bring distressing spirits into your life. Audit yourself regularly. Interact with people carefully. Choose what to embrace and what to reject. A healthy soul is a healthy life.


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