1 Samuel 20:36
“Then he said to his lad, ‘Now run, find the arrows which I shoot.’ As the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.”
One reason we often feel weary and distressed is that we carry more than we should. In the earlier years of life, we may not feel we need helpers because we can do most things ourselves. But things change quickly.
As we age and have increased responsibilities, we are often plagued with multiple tasks that may seem overwhelming if we have to do them all ourselves. Having an assistant is not a luxury. It is a necessity of life.
Between verses 35 and 41, the word, “lad” is mentioned ten times. The Bible does not call him a slave but “a little lad.” The NLT calls him “a young boy.” The reality was that Jonathan needed a younger person to help him.
We need people around us to help us be effective and finish our assignments well. Even the Lord said that man needed a “helper meet.” Beyond the marriage application, we each need suitable helpers.
On this day, Jonathan had an important task to fulfill, but he needed someone to help him with several mundane things. When little screws are not properly tied, great problems happen. Our helpers don’t need to be specialists; they need to be available.
Verse 39 says that, “the lad did not know anything.” These helpers don’t need to be people in your inner circle. They don’t need to know many details or critical info. Their task is to free you up to apply yourself to more strategic work.
Do you have helpers in your life? Have you deliberately sought for helpers? They may be nameless, but please give them the respect and value they deserve. We don’t know the lad’s name, but we know what he did.
Finally, be willing to serve as a helper to someone else. Not everyone will be a Jonathan. Some may need to serve as Jonathan’s helpers. If that is what God has assigned you, take it seriously, as unto the Lord, knowing that every role is critical.