November 18, 2024

1 Samuel 22:7 (NKJV)
“then Saul said to his servants who stood about him, “Hear now, you Benjamites! Will the son of Jesse give every one of you fields and vineyards, and make you all captains of thousands and captains of hundreds?”

Leaders understand that followership is tied to a few essential ingredients, and these factors are deeply ingrained in the human DNA and transcend generations and seasons. To understand how the world operates, we need to study these factors.

Two powerful things compel followership: coercion or the promise of hope. Coercion means that people follow but unwillingly. The promise of hope gives people a vision of something to live for, and they follow willingly.

How do you think the world system has effectively held our generation transfixed? It’s because leaders have learned the art of giving hope to people. Whether this promise of hope is real or imaginary, it still has the power of compelling followership.

Politicians deal in this currency of hope also. They continually promise people hope that may be real or unreal, but people need hope to live. The promise of hope is what gets people out of bed in the morning.

But here is an example of true hope at work. The early Church lived in the hope of Jesus’ return, and that hope kept their faith alive. Jesus had said that He was going to prepare a place for them, and He would return for them.

Saul was baffled when he realized that David had escaped and Jonathan was in league with him. He wondered what David could have promised his loyal men to keep them silent. He felt they must have been given hope for something.

Saul understood that promises had power. He knew that people lived on hope. Promises of hope are the strongest currency that keeps people motivated and committed. Take away the promise of hope, and you don’t have anyone.

I repeat, what will make people get up in the morning is the hope of what is ahead. Stay focused on Jesus’ promises of eternal hope. This is true hope. It crushes depression and gives life focus. And let’s go out to the world, marketing this hope of eternal life.


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